The social media tools in my work

I have worked in the marketing field, where the use of various social media tools is commonplace. My most recent work experience was in a vocational school where we used Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, WhatsApp, Microsoft Teams, Canva, Creamailer and WordPress.

On Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, I created content about the daily life and various events of the school, as well as shared blog posts that I had written. Additionally, I marketed various courses. My colleagues created paid advertising on Instagram and Facebook.

On YouTube, I created video content that was shared on other social media channels and on the website. For example, I made marketing videos about different industries and education. I also created content that was intended for internal use within the organisation.

We utilised WhatsApp and Teams for internal communication. We had several groups where we discussed matters within the organisation. Additionally, we sent weekly campus updates via Teams.

I used Canva, for example, when creating short marketing videos for different education fields for social media. With Creamailer, I created newsletters for upcoming courses. Our website was in WordPress, so I used it almost daily.

Five social media tools more


TikTok is currently the number one social media platform for young people. I recently attended a training session where it was mentioned that TikTok is rapidly becoming popular among 40-year-olds as well.

One could post content on TikTok where a young student, for example, tries out different fields of study. The problem is finding the right person to do it. The content needs to be entirely different from what is posted on other social media platforms.


I use Jodel in my personal life. I believe that Jodel is popular among 20-30 year olds. Jodel users could be vocational school students. In my opinion, the organisation should leverage Jodel’s potential and run paid advertising. Ads are inevitable when a person scrolls through Jodel. This would guarantee visibility.


Snapchat is especially popular among young people, who primarily use it to message their friends. An vocational school could have a good opportunity to utilise it as a marketing channel. Snapchat ads would increase the vocational school’s visibility among its largest target group.


Todoist is a completely new tool for me. I believe that with Todoist, the marketing team could take task management to a new level. Currently, the team does not have any program where all tasks, files, and discussions are in one place. With Todoist, sharing tasks would be much easier.


Evernote seems like a handy program for improving my own work. I could write notes in Evernote instead of using tangible sticky notes. The notes would always be saved and with me wherever I go in the future.

Positive and negative aspects of social media

Social media has had a profound impact on how we interact with each other and our society as a whole. Below are some positive and negative aspects of utilising social media:

Positive aspects

  • Social media tools facilitate global communication and connectivity, making it easier for individuals to remain in contact with friends and family, share ideas and collaborate with others.
  • The way in which companies and organisations advertise their products and services has been revolutionised by social media. By using social media, businesses can contact their target audience, advertise their offerings and increase brand recognition.
  • Social media platforms provide a wide range of entertainment options, including videos and opportunities to socialise with friends.

Negative aspects

  • Cyberbullying is prevalent on social media and it can result in severe emotional distress for victims.
  • Individuals may become addicted to social media, and as a result, spend excessive amounts of time on it which can have negative effects on their mental health and relationships.
  • Social media is a tool that can be used to spread false information, conspiracy theories, and propaganda.
  • Social media platforms collect significant amounts of personal information from their users, which can be misused by hackers or sold to third-party advertisers.

Elements of successful use of digital tools

User-Friendly Interface

The interface should be intuitive and easy to navigate, allowing users to quickly and easily find the information or tools they need. It can lead to higher user satisfaction, increased usage, and better outcomes for both the users and the application owners.


The application should offer useful features and tools that meet the needs of its users. The application should be reliable and work seamlessly without any major bugs or glitches.


It is important to allow users to personalise their experience and tailor the application to their specific needs. Customisation options can include font size, color schemes, and layout preferences. For example, if a user has difficulty reading small text, the ability to increase font size can greatly improve their experience with the application.


Security is an essential element of any digital application. The application should protect user data and privacy, and implement security measures to prevent unauthorized access or breaches. Users are more likely to trust and use an application that has strong security measures in place, especially when dealing with sensitive information such as financial or health data.


The application should be accessible to all users, including those with disabilities or who use assistive technologies. The application should be designed to meet accessibility standards and guidelines. For example, an application that is accessible for individuals with visual impairments may include features such as text-to-speech and screen readers. An application that is accessible for individuals with hearing impairments may include closed captioning or sign language interpretation.


The application should offer support to help users troubleshoot issues, learn how to use the application, and provide feedback for improvement. One support channel can be a help center that contains articles, tutorials, and frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help users troubleshoot issues on their own. Another support channel can be customer service, which can be provided through various means such as email, phone, or live chat.


I have utilised social media channels a lot in my workplaces. However, I got to know new channels through this task. For example, I didn’t know what tools I can use in my everyday work. Social media channels have brought a lot of content into my life. However, it must be remembered that there are also downsides. For example, screenshots can be taken of pictures sent to Snapchat, and they may spread beyond their intended audience. Bullying is common and unfortunately widespread on social media.

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